Sunday, June 28, 2009

Want to know what to do with your Stockpile??

I found this from an anonymous reader on Hip2Save. Kuddos to her!!

I just want to thank you for all your awesome help with my couponing adventures. Since the beginning of this year I have been blessed with the opportunity to donate these items to our local YWCA shelter: (And all I paid for these full-size products was the sales tax!)
25 bottles shampoo
2 bottles conditioner
2 bottles mouthwash
28 pkg pantyliners
4 bottles lotion
1 pkg dental floss
4 pkg baby wipes
1 pkg cough drops
6 bottles air freshener
3 toothpaste
9 deodorant
3 body wash
1 box hair color
This opportunity is especially meaningful to me because I lived at the YWCA shelter 17 years ago, and couponing is an opportunity to give something back to this wonderful organization.

I thought this was really neat!! Click here to see her comment.


  1. I saw this comment too, I love it!

    I personally set aside $5 a week to use towards donation items. When I see a deal that I know I will not use but all I have to do is pay tax I use that $5 to purchase those items for charities, family, & friends (who do not coupon).

    We save so much why not share?!

  2. That's a really good idea...I may start doing that!!

  3. Let's pull together and do the Womens Shelter. I posted the items needed on the FB group thread 'donate'. We could even keep track on a sidebar counter or something! I think it would be a cool thing to do.
