Monday, June 8, 2009

Target trip

Thanks to Alisa I have really been trying to find good deals with using coupons!

today i went to Target and bought 2 gallons of baby water, 3 things of Similac formula, 3 things of baby wipes, and 1 thing of Miracle Whip all for 4.20!!!
The baby water was the only thing I paid full price for. I used 3 two dollar coupons for the wipes making them free, the Similac was on sale for 5.50 and i had 3 five dollar rebate checks that i got in the mail from Similac making each 50 cents. I had a dollar coupon for the miracle whip, so i paid a dollar for it.
I love saving a lot more than I spent! I saved $22!!
Thanks Alisa for helping Mom and I last week understand how to use coupons!


  1. That's a really good trip! Doesn't it make you feel like seeing how much you can get next time??? Couponing can be time consuming, but it can be really exciting, too!!

  2. :) way to go Laurie! great job 'making' money.

  3. Great job. I love saving money. Hearing how others do it is great.
